Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Poor Car

Remember when I posted about how wonderful my car was and that hardly anything has ever gone wrong with it? Well, I pushed my luck by saying that aloud, I mean, typing it onto the blog.

I was minding my own business driving home from work when CRASH! A girl wasn't paying attention and tried to turn across three lanes of traffic, crashing into my car. My poor car had to be towed, I had to file a police accident report, and spent about an hour on the phone with insurance companies, but I am so thankful that it is just my car that is damaged, and that I was able to walk away in one piece.

If she would have been driving faster or hit the middle of my car instead of the front, I am scared to think what could have happened if my car was pushed into opposite traffic going 45+ miles per hour.

Now I am unwinding this evening with some Olympics coverage, Dominos pizza, and a glass of wine.


  1. So glad you are okay!

    And this is exactly why I hate driving!

    1. Well, the good thing is accidents are very rare!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Annie! Glad to be safe and sound - plus my rental car is a Mustang, which I am kind of enjoying :)


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