Link up with Nicole for her Thursday five!
It has been so nice to sleep in during my first week of summer! I usually wake up before 6:30, and this week I have not been starting the day until after 8:00. I am loving this lack of responsibility!
Our apartment is looking in less than ideal condition right now. Over the past few weeks I think I have been neglecting some of my domestic duties around the house, so it is time to get that washing machine humming, roll up my sleeves, fire up the vacuum, you get the idea. Spring cleaning, except during the summer!
I had an enjoyable time with my hubby today. He had a graduation from the Corporal's course he has been taking the past three weeks. After the ceremony, he got released for the day from work. We celebrated with lunch at the Olive Garden, and I even ran into one of my (former) students at the restaurant. I will definitely be sad to see them walk past my room into first grade next year!
The air quality is outrageous. I thought it was hazy around here where we live (west side of J-ville), but then I went onto base today. The smoke is surrounding everything, and it felt like a was a part of a vintage photo-shoot with all the hazy color around. My hair and clothes smell like I spent the day burning incense, but alas, I was only outside for about five total minutes today.
My cats have been so loveable this week! They are loving having their mommy home all day, and are cuddled up on the sofa beside me most of the days.
ugh this smoke is really awful!! I wish I could sleep in, Kaleb has managed to untrain Miley and now they are both up at the crack of dawn!