Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Herding Cats

I don't know if you have ever heard this expression, but the first few days of kindergarten are like herding cats. Not like herding cattle, because they actually follow the other cows. Cats. Because it is nearly impossible to get 29 little cats, ahem, kindergarteners to go to the same place at the same time.

My day today was spent teaching my little ones how to put papers in a folder, sit criss cross on the carpet, raise their hands, hold a lunch tray, throw away a lunch tray, walk in line, raise their hands (I must have said "raise your hand" a hundred times today! As exhausting as it may sound, I actually had a pretty good day! The optimist in me says: all my students ate lunch, all of them stayed safe, and all of them got home! I have some real cuties in my class, and they are pretty good at coloring in the lines and staying quiet, so far.

Dustin is leaving town this weekend to do some training for his upcoming deployment. I fully intend to spend this weekend doing some home decorating, trying some new recipes, and getting ahead on school work!


  1. I taught Pre-K so I know exactly what you are talking about. Last year, during the first week of school there were many moments where all I could do was laugh. Some of the kids were completely clueless about school!

  2. @ACUs and ABCs

    Oh yes! I already had a kid ask me, "So now what do I do now that I did kindergarten?" I just had to laugh and say, "Well, do it for 175 more days!!"

    Pre-K would be quite the handful I imagine!


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