Sunday, May 13, 2012

5 Weeks of Work Left

One of the perks of being a teacher is ... summer break! And right around this time each year it seems like break will never arrive. This summer is even more exciting than most, because it means I am that much closer to R&R break with my hubby! In fact, I went ahead and booked hotels for the first half of our trip! Booking through means that the rates are 100% refundable, which is great since I don't think our trip will be 100% confirmed until I see Dustin in person.

Not having Dustin around means that I have to deal with the perils of doing his share of the housework. Like taking the trash out to the big metal dumpster in our complex. Klutz that I am, today I was a little overzealous in my swing to get my trash bag in the dumpster opening and totally smashed my entire left fist into the edge of the opening. I iced it and kept opening and closing my fist to see if it was badly hurt - but it seems okay, thank goodness. There is just a weird red line across my index finger and it is tender to open and shut. Here's to hoping that it heals quickly, because injuries freak me out!

Anyway, back to the 5 weeks of school left. Right around this time of year, the finish line is in sight, but I get this nagging anxiety that I am going to forget some important paperwork before my kiddos leave for the summer. Which means the next few week will mean some serious checking, double checking, and triple checking all my paperwork for my kiddos. I have tried to make the rest of the school year full of fun for my kinders. It all started with learning about Mexico in time for Cinco de Mayo. I taught my kids a few Spanish words, and we practiced symmetry and scissors skills when making some "papel picado", or the hanging banner often seen at Mexican celebrations.

The ones on the bottom are our handmade art projects

My class and I are reviewing the alphabet with some fun activities! So far, we did 

A for Apples day - we tried different kinds of apples and graphed our favorites.

B for Bubbles day - I even made my own bubble mixture - 1 part dish soap to 15 parts water

C for Coloring Contest day - bribed the kids with candy as a prize this day since I had a substitute

D for The Dot - I let the kids watch the story on Tumblebooks, and then we used fingers to paint "dot" artwork. It was hilarious watching the kids try to use one finger for each color so they didn't mix.

This little cutie was trying to make an American flag :)

E for Experiment day - my awesome colleague did all the word for this one, and I just sent my class out with hers to watch the Coke & Mentos experiment. That was definitely a favorite!

Upcoming this week will be: favorite book from home, gross day (with slime), hopscotch, ice cream making, and Junie B. Jones day. And then it will be only four more weeks of showing up to work!


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